The Accident...

On the morning of Saturday, March 7th, 2009, Tim Dobbs fell from his attic through the ceiling and landed on his back on the hardwood floor below. He was taken by Careflight to Harris Methodist Hospital in Fort Worth, TX. He is currently being treated in the Trauma ICU. He sustained a severe skull fracture, bruised brain, and bruised lungs from this fall. Tim was placed in a medical induced coma to begin his treatment.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday, March 20th

8:00am - Tim's brain pressure is ranging 17-18 through the night. He has not been taken off the Nimbex (meds to keep him paralyzed) or the Manitol (meds for brain swelling). The Tracheotomy is scheduled for today. I will update after that.

2:00pm - Tim has now been taken off all medication. The Tracheotomy has been pushed back, again, to Monday. He is opening his eyes for moments at a time before going back to sleep. He has started moving parts of his body. His left side is moving around pretty easy, but the right side is not moving as well (at this time). Right now, his lungs are not trying to take a breath. Since he has been using a machine to breathe for him, he will have to ease back into using those muscles again.

8:00pm - Tim seems to be taking an extra breath (other than what the machine is feeding him) every once in a while, which means his lungs are trying to work. The nurse found Tim sitting up with his right leg off the bed trying to pull on his restraints, and very aggitated. They gave him a sedative that works within 30 seconds, and he will be asleep the rest of the night. I know this sounds very upsetting, but is not so unusual from someone recovering from a head injury.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for creating a blog and keeping it up to date. I'm sure people from all over are reading. God is always good and I can see the remarkable miracles He's doing with Tim and his family. As soon as the flu and strep are out of our house I'll be up there. Please contact me if there's anything I can do for the family.

